Détail du produit

X Comp Series (704400067976)

Kamui stands alone at the crossroads between salvation and Armageddon. Destiny demands that this tormented young man decide the fate of a world he no longer belongs in. Torn between rival orders of superhuman warriors, the time has come for Kamuito choose his side. Either he fights with the Dragons of Heaven - fights to save civilization and the two friends he swore to always protect, or he must draw swords alongside the Dragons of Earth and deliver a death blow to the human race. Whatever his choice, there will be consequences. Friends will change. Friends will die. Life will never be the same. There's a last time for everything. That time is now.

Prix de détail suggéré: 39.98CAD
Nom du fabricant:
SHOP.CA Direct
Numéro de pièces: 704400067976
Garantie du fabricant: Pièces: N/A
La main d'oeuvre: N/A
Lien du garant: N/A
Manuel: N/A
Prix de détail suggéré:Support Info: N/A
Politique de garantie: N/A