Product Detail

Is This the Real Life?: The Untold Story of Queen - Default

Draws on interviews with producers managers and ex-girlfriends and boyfriends to provide a history of the band Queen including how lead singer Freddie Mercury s sexuality alienated some of their fans and forced the band to reinvent themselves. By the auandlt;brandgt;andlt;bandgt;Title: andlt;/bandgt;Is This the Real Life?andlt;brandgt;andlt;bandgt;Author: andlt;/bandgt;Blake Markandlt;brandgt;andlt;bandgt;Publisher: andlt;/bandgt;Perseus Books Groupandlt;brandgt;andlt;bandgt;Publication Date: andlt;/bandgt;2011/03/22andlt;brandgt;andlt;bandgt;Number of Pages: andlt;/bandgt;410andlt;brandgt;andlt;bandgt;Binding Type: andlt;/bandgt;HARDCOVERandlt;brandgt;andlt;bandgt;Library of Congress: andlt;/bandgt;andlt;a href= target= Library of Congress andgt;2010942636andlt;/aandgt;

Suggested Retail Price: 16.39CAD
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